Stina "Queen Bee" Leicht, Jumpbike Warrior (2294-2413; 2544-2613; 2961-???)

Born to Cartography Baron Edmux Chorn and the exiled Jumpbike Commander Tyona Leicht, Stina “Queen Bee” Leicht was raised in unusual circumstances. For much the first 119 years of her life, she lived on the Trench Habitat ruled by the Minar Collective, a criminal organization known for smuggling Old Earth goods into the outer sectors of the Eighth Ascendant Republic. Before its destruction in 2413, the Trench Habitat was subject to unusual cosmic tidal forces which altered the movement of time for those onboard; for Stina, this meant that she aged at a remarkably slow pace, making her a 119-year-old 12-year-old by the time of the habitat's destruction. Though she struggled with the physical conditions of her unusual aging, Stina excelled in mechanical operations, earning her the nickname “Queen Bee” due to her expansion of the habitat's automated worker drones. These activities were cut short when the Trench Habitat was destroyed at the start of the War of the Republics in 2413, which sent the galaxy in a spiral of violent conflict.

Thought dead for over 100 years, a Ninth Ascendant Republic salvage crew in 2544 discovered Stina held in suspended animation by an estimated 500,000 drones reprogrammed to preserve human life. Brought back from the dead, Stina spent most of her middle-life learning to age normally and make sense of the new conditions of the galaxy. This included a stint at the Pellerack Prison Colony after accidentally stealing three tons of Censortech armaments, 12 years at the University of Grel learning Psychohistorical Analytics, five months as a chef at a Retorian amusement park, and 14 years as a manager at the Drymark Pick'n'Pull Shipyards.

By 2613, Stina grew tired of the fragile state of the Ninth Ascendant Republic and sought passage aboard the temporal jumpship Mikata. Along with 600 other passengers, she was taken along the 348-year Utaxa Temporal Arc and returned to Drymark in 2961. Once released, she was taken in by the Ethereal Dragons, a paramilitary Jumpbike gang operating on the fringes of the legal authority of the now-Fourteenth Ascendant Republic. Under their tutelage, Stina learned the intricacies of Jumpbike maintenance and piloting and became an adept member before staging a coup in 2974 and assuming control.

Stina's leadership of the Ethereal Dragons earned her a notorious reputation in the Fallspark Sector of the Republic. On the one hand, she became known as a cutthroat warrior who could take down a 14AR cruiser with minimal casualties, all while decked out in black boots and pink hair; on the other hand, her services could be acquired by even the most destitute for little more than a cord of wood, owing to her introduction of Neymark Ethics to her organization. This made her especially approachable and dangerous at the same time. In one apocryphal story, she made a Republic admiral cry merely by looking at him sternly.

Presently, Stina resides on Drymark in the carcass of a 9AR combat frigate retrofitted with the interior of a Victorian villa shipped in pieces from Old Earth. You can acquire her services via the Transark Exchange or via interstellar carrier drone. Fees may apply.